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*COMEDY* The driver's test: a teen's easy step-by-step guide

First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! Having a kid with a driver's license is a big step. Soon they will be picking up groceries and stuff for you, so this is a big deal. But before you get too excited, we still need to pass that road test!

As a parent, you know the key to success is practice. And psychologists tell us that practice is made most effective when mimicking actual test conditions. This guide has been prepared with that in mind.

It is highly recommended that your teen conduct a full test run of the driver's road test with you, the parent, in the passenger seat, watching their every move, and ready at any moment to give a lot of advice or point out what they are doing wrong. As the parent, you can stand in for the driving coach. This will give an authentic feel to the practice session because your parental authority will help them access the fear they may naturally experience on test day.

However, that may not be enough to mimic actual test conditions. Most teens are highly anxious the day of the test. This likely comes from multiple factors. Therefore, to trigger authentic-feeling anxiety on the "practice" test day, adhere to the following:

  • 1. The night before the test, your teen should set hourly alarms to ensure a fitful night's rest...Or, alternately, they could stay up until 4 am on various internet-based activities (please, no blue-light filters as we want maxim circadian rhythm interference).

  • 2. On the morning of the test, no breakfast is to be eaten. Rather, a high-caffeine drink is appropriate... or a combination of energy drinks and pure cane sugar in any form.

  • 3. Avoid water both the night before AND the morning of the test.

The three steps above constitute the "holy trinity" of basic anxiety. If you get this far, you are off to a good start. But the following steps will help if you want to go even further:

  • 4. Have some kind of conflict with your teen leading to a slammed door and defensive or triggering dialogue. This will increase preoccupation and general stress. Alternate: online conflict is also effective - political, social.... any of it.... all of it....we're not picky!

  • 5. Teen is advised to breathe in a rapid, shallow manner as much as possible the day of the test. During the test, do this even more if possible.

  • 6. Thinking over and over "I am failing, I am failing, I am failing" before and during the practice test will, again, bring authentic levels of fear. You can vocally remind them of this if needed.

  • 7. Maybe 10 minutes before the practice test, the teen should quickly review ALL of the rules for motorcycles and semi-trucks, so that irrelevant information will be top of mind. This is an excellent boost to an authentic sense of confusion.

Doing all of these will lead to maximum results. Your teen needs to learn to deal with their anxiety. So triggering massive anxiety on the practice test day will help them learn to get over it because you'll be right there telling them to calm down.

If another parent or teen you know could benefit from this instructional post, please share it. We can make a difference as we work together to educate each other.


P.S. - These suggestions are "evergreen." They work wonders for preparing for all kinds of big moments throughout the lifespan such as job interviews, major exams, or any kind of public speaking.

Best of luck!


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