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No lie, I love to go to church and I think the people there are genuine

Way too many people think church is boring, or a place full of judgmental hypocrites. But that's not how it is for me at all.

OK, sometimes I have been a little bored in the past. That was mostly when I was a teenager, and I'd leave class and go to the bathroom and walk around the building back then. Then there were times when I had a bunch of little kids and I couldn't even track what was being said, which made comprehension/participation difficult. But that's pretty normal, I think.

The last couple of years, though, I have felt a huge shift in the quality of talks, lessons, and discussions at church. I think it has a lot to do with the Come Follow Me curriculum that emphasizes having us all learn at home and immerse ourselves in the gospel based on our own individual needs. Also, following the Spirit has been hugely emphasized, and I think that each person's unique points of view are getting more respect (from both people listening AND the people sharing.... it's like people are realizing that God will communicate with them directly and they are trying to tune in!).

All in all, I feel like members are generally trying harder to study the gospel at home and find out what the Spirit is trying to guide them to do. This has definitely translated to better church meetings on Sundays.

It fascinates me how, each week, a couple of totally random people in the ward can get assigned to give a talk on Sunday (they are usually given the same topic), and they BOTH can come up with lovely heartfelt messages. Sometimes they quote from a conference talk, sometimes they share more of their own experiences, sometimes it's something else entirely, but it's always really helpful and heartfelt. I often feel compelled to take notes. I always learn something. And I always feel more respect and love for the amazing people I am surrounded by.

Back in the day, it seems I'd hear occasional people rambling on with more self-focused stories when they talked at church, or getting more shamey or judgy on occasion.... but honestly, I never get that anymore.

It's exciting because I do believe that church is getting better and better. (And I want to add, as an aside, that we as members were never encouraged to be self-focused or rambley or judgy by our leadership. We just did that because we are lame human being sometimes, who are struggling to figure things out, just like everyone else.)

It's a real shame that church is misjudged by a lot of people. I've had lots of conversations with others who feel they can't live up to the standards at church or they'll be condemned, or that they are surrounded by small-minded unthinking drones, or both: the classic "worse-than/better-than dichotomy that disconnects many human relationships.

Honestly, I have seen a little of that here and there, especially in years past. Where some of the members were super perfectionistic, or where they based their testimonies on a historical novel about the church, or they were afraid to think deeply about their religion in any way. But I don't get that much anymore.

It seems that there has been a huge wave of people leave the church just before we all leveled up in our discipleship. I wish they would have kept an open mind, been a little more patient, looked beyond the "members" (which are always going to have problems), and hung in there to see the more flexible, inclusive, warm, deeply spiritual experience we are all having. Hopefully, they'll come back and see it someday.

Of course, there is always that person who has a sour look on their face. But just ignore the attitude -- maybe even smile at them. Maybe they are having a horrible day. Maybe we should be glad they came at all.

But to look at that person and then decide that members in the church aren't any good is NOT FAIR. After all, we all keep going to Walmart, even when we aren't impressed by the folks, because we want what Walmart offers. Maybe we could try that same philosophy at church, eh??

And one more thing. Just for the record, not everyone at church has all the answers to their gospel questions, and that is-- and should be -- TOTALLY OK. I feel like the members in the wards I've attended the last few years are much more open about their faith struggles and triumphs.

I love that. I, just like everyone, have aspects of the gospel that come easily and aspects that I don't understand. For me, church is a nurturing place where I can come, feel the Spirit, learn from others, and have the support of a community of believers on my own journey of faith and struggle.


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