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My semi-nihilistic Monday morning in free verse poetry :)

On a Monday morning

At 11:33 am I walk in the cool of early March

Phone in a pocket, earbud in my ear

It's a quiet street, a quiet morning

But I am far from quiet inside

My heart yearns

My head bursts

I don't know what my problem is

Life is so mixed up

I probably need Prozac

On YouTube

Two men debate the Paris treaty

The world is full--

Full of commotion and chaos

I try to remember

What was it I just learned?

Last fall when I read the Gulag?

Oh, yes, value property rights

Value my ability to defend

and my speech

I voted last fall for the first time in years

It all seemed so useless

But at least I tried

Up ahead, a man leans

under the hood of his car


Crooked beach shorts, wrinkled t-shirt

Uncombed hair

Bucket of tools by his foot

He jerks a wrench

it slips

I walk by, he yelps in pain

Catching his eye I call out, "Gotta love Monday mornings"

He looks at me and smiles

But I can tell he's discouraged

I keep thinking about him as I walk

I pray

Dear God

Watch over him, help him

Whatever he is going through

Lift his heart

Brighten his hopes

I know how it feels

Oh how much suffering there is in this world

Next on my YouTube is something

about content moderation

on social media

Listening, I keep walking in the sun

So many workers paid so little

to witness every day the ugliest things

To help the rest of us

They are hurting

They just want to pay their bills

Now their heads are full of images they can't erase

Oh, God, how long will you allow it to be like this?

How much more can the vulnerable take?

The weather is gorgeous out here

Cool, sunny, calm

I take some deep breaths

How I love to walk

I'm the lucky one

It's a weekday and I'm not at work

I'm on a walk

If only I could walk all day in this weather

Back at home, I thaw chicken for later

Do my hair and makeup

Then the day is half gone

I feel sad, angry, frustrated

For just a few minutes

If only I didn't have to worry about hair or makeup

If only I didn't have to worry about meals

Then I could be freer

Freer to use my time the way I want

The trappings of womanhood feel like a trap this morning

what are my options?

Shave my head? NO.

Eat out? NO.

Not eat?

Look ugly?

There are no viable options

I can never make sense of such things

I switch the laundry

and eat

There's a documentary about Napoleon

It is so good

He is so nuts

This is so fun

I want to do this all day

Just learn and think and wonder

But there is too much to do

I turn off the documentary

There are emails to return

My breath is shallow

My chest is tight

I feel so angry sometimes

Why can't I learn all day?

Why do I have to return emails?

Why do I have to do a million things?

Why am I always interrupted with minute details of living?

The same old mantra plays in my head

I want to get off this treadmill

I want to learn

to think

to walk

to wonder


One more YouTube

my church is baking bread

and handing it out to hungry kids

in Africa, I think

I cry too easily all the time

So of course I cry now

Why can't I do more?

Why is my life so small?

Why do the details of daily life steal everything?

Why won't the stupid details let me






Why, God?

You ask me to become more than I am

And yet I'm so small

So weak

And sometimes so sad

...what is my duty?

What can I possibly do for anyone

weak as I am?

God wouldn't want me to feel discouraged

I will try to see meaning in all of this

I stare in a mirror

and grip the counter's edge

Maybe all I can do

is all I am supposed to do

Hold down this quarter-acre with a house

Do it well

laugh with the people inside

eat with the people inside

live every day by faith

That's all I can do

That's all I've got

How small it is

I can't help the man with his car

I can't feed the children in Africa

I can't help the content moderators who see atrocities

All I can do is the laundry

the dishes

the billing

the email

go on a walk

talk to my husband

laugh with my daughter

say my prayers

try not to be cross

try to be good

That's all I've got

That's all there is

I'll go on fixing my hair and fixing the meals

I still feel anxious

I still don't like it

But its only Monday

I probably really do need Prozac

Or maybe I just need to stop thinking

Which is something

I've never do


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